
I Am A Man

I am a man because I love The Lord…

I am a man because I am free to feel…

I am a man because I know my present actions affect my future as a husband and a father…

I am a man because I realise that I am insecure…

I am a man because I lay my insecurities before The Lord…

I am a man because I see that being a man isn’t about my social status…

I am a man because I’m not afraid to confess my many weaknesses to others…

I am a man because I recognise that not everyone will have the same opinions/morals/beliefs as me and that I choose to not let that disturb me…

I am a man because I choose to not joke inappropriately…

I am a man because I’m not afraid to stand up for my faith in The Lord Jesus…

I am a man because I will obey my parents as You command me to…

I am a man because I fear not the enemy…

I am a man because I recognise that it’s my duty and responsibility to show
unlimited attention and affection to my future wife…

I am a man because I try and obey The Lord even when I disagree with Him…

I am a man because I know I need God’s grace and mercy…

I am a man because I surround myself with friends that edify and correct me…

I am a man because I am a consecrated temple;
Your eyes and Your heart will always be within me…

I am a man because I know that unholy anger is for the weak…

I am a man because I believe that You alone determine my future…

I am a man because I will run back to you when I am overcome by lust…

I am a man because I’m in love with God…

I am a man because I choose to be loyal to my future wife from now…

I am a man because I know that I am called to be like a child to enter
His Kingdom…

I am a man because my security is in Jesus, not money…

I am a man because I acknowledge that it’s my responsibility to grow in knowledge of The Church and Her Tradition from now…

I am a man because I openly show affection and love to my brothers…

I am a man because I believe that what is impossible and illogical to me, is possible in Jesus…

I am a man because I know I have to lose control…

I am a man because I choose to recognise that being older than someone doesn’t make me wiser or more spiritual than them…

I am a man because I fight for my purity…

I am a man because I know it’s not ‘feminine’ to cry…

I am a man because I believe that Prayer is practical and powerful…

I am a man because I believe that You’re able to keep me from stumbling…

I am a man because I can be a living Gospel from my youth…

I am a man because I will not hide my sins, I stand exposed before You Lord…

I am a man because I love reading Your living Word…

I am a man because I will respect my elders as You obeyed me to…

I am a man because my bravery comes from You…

I am a man because I will not blame others…

I am a man because I recognise that good leaders don’t try and make others carbon-copies of themselves…

I am a man because I recognise that younger generations look up to me…

I am a man because I will choose to not involve myself with church politics…

I am a man because I will believe even when my eyes can’t see…

I am a man because I will view negative criticism and mocking from others as
my crown…

I am a man because I believe that I can do all things through You…

I am a man because I know that my walk with You won’t be easy…

I am a man because I’m artistic and creative…

I am a man because I pray for child-like faith…

I am a man because I want to only speak edifying words to others…

I am a man because I know that I am incapable but You are capable…

I am a man because I’m happy for others to be better than me…

I am a man because I accept Your chastening…

I am a man because I know that Jesus loves all people equally…

I am a man because I know that I’m a pilgrim on a journey…

I am a man because I recognise that true beauty is within…

I am a man because I am completely dependant on The Lord…

I am a man because I will not conform to the world’s definition of ‘manhood’…

I am a man because I intercede for those who still haven’t tasted You Jesus…

I am a man because I choose to not be afraid of change…

I am a man because I know that in You I am already successful,
no job in the world can ever provide me with true success…

I am a man because I am an empty vessel desiring to be used for Your glory…

I am a man because I see that women are equal to me…

I am a man because I was created in His image and likeness…

I am a man because I will preach Your name by my actions and words…

I am a man because I recognise that every girl is somebody’s daughter…

I am a man because I believe that Jesus is Lord…

I am a man in You, Jesus.

About me

<b>Helloooo there!</b> Nice to meet you - I'm Michael! I'm a massive worship enthusiast; I love discovering new music and if we end up being friends you'll probably end up with a music album mailed to your house within a week of getting to know me. I love dabbing my fingers in a cheeky bit of photography and typography. To me, a picture alone doesn't paint a thousand words, rather in pictures and words I hear the melody of a thousand symphonies. I'm also a massive lover of animals! I have a pet bunny called Joel and we have frequent chats about life because we're close like that; he's practically my counselor. I see the immense beauty and simplicity of the divine in animals, and that's what I want to share with you more than anything through my posts; that every aspect of our lives, no matter how 'small' or 'insignificant' it may seem, is truly divine. My deepest desire is for you to hear that you are ferociously loved, even when you feel broken and dead in spirit. Join me on my journey to Become Fully Alive; striving to live in a state of awareness, at all times, of the presence of the Lord within me and around me. I want to build a temple for the One my soul longs for, in the depth of my heart, so I can hear Him tell me: <em>"I have heard the prayer and plea you have made before me; I have consecrated this temple, which you have built, by putting my Name there forever. My eyes and my heart will always be there." 1 Kings 9:3</em>


Why Are Most Of Your Friends Girls?
May 16, 2018
Living; A Lost Art
October 10, 2016
A New Season Has Begun
September 29, 2016
Love Your Soul
June 17, 2016
The Pride of Intolerance
June 14, 2016
Prayers Against Sexual Strongholds
April 18, 2016
A Game of Chess
April 04, 2016
Wanted-A Man
March 03, 2016
The Big Solution
February 22, 2016

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