
Sunday Thoughts

It is Palm Sunday, Christ’s triumphant entry into Jerusalem, paving the way for the holiest of weeks. But what do you do when Holy Week is inconveniently timed? Where does Holy Week fit in when you’re working, studying for an exam, scheduled for important meetings or appointments?

Friend, it is okay. Christ’s love for you does not change whether you have taken an entire week’s leave, or whether your every day is tightly packed. All earth is holy ground, and maybe within your office, your patient or that important exam, lies holiness, maybe therein is the washing of feet.

There is no sacred-secular divide; wherever you are, what will your journey be this Holy Week?


“Wherever you are, be all there” –Jim Elliot



  • April 24, 2016
About me

They call me Makrina (Greek for “makarios”) meaning to be blessed/happy, and I definitely think I am both! I grew up amongst rolling hills and sheep, in a small town in Scotland, but I'm currently living in London. If I'm not around, you'll probably find me dancing on the red soil of Zambia, with a people who stole my heart, or on the other side of the Atlantic. I love to travel and meet new people (yes, I'm that girl who talks to you while you’re trying to sleep on a plane) I think humans are an incredibly beautiful work of art, like a piece of poetry waiting to be heard, learned from, cherished and loved. And like all art, there is a depth beneath the surface that I desire to see and know in every soul I meet. I am obsessed with words, the power of the spoken word, the written word and even the unspoken word. Writing helps me explore the chaos of my own thoughts; it forces me to be vulnerable, making me face the truth without running. So I write to give a voice to all that is within me, and I share my words with hope that others may find their own voice too. Sometimes it is the fear of what we may discover that cripples us from seeking to know the depth of our own heart, from finding our own voice. Because what if we discover darkness? Who will love that dark? And it is because of this fear that we hide our stories, not allowing ourselves to be known by others. But I met a love that boldly runs his gentle hands along the broken dark of my story, and calls me lovely still. It is this love that compels me to live fully: to relentlessly pursue the story of others so that in a world of fear and rejection, hearts may be known. For I believe that to be known is to be loved. Isaiah 61:1-3

1 Comment

Reply April 24, 2016

Beautiful thoughts :-) Thank you for reminding me that His attitude to us does not change based on the hours we devote to Him- but that (if we are able) these hours are what change us/our attitude to Him/our hardened hearts. And if we aren't able, He is there too.

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